Monday, February 27, 2006

Monday Almighty

Monday Monday. Be good to me. Be damn good. Be right. I’ve done what needed to be done, and then some. Then I did some more. The dues have been paid. Thrice. So have the debts. Well, the big one anyway. The one that called for a fat chunk of my life.

Fifty-two months, less ten days. That’s how much a chunk I’ll’ve surrendered to this State if they spring me this very aft. Do the math. Or, better yet, don’t. ’Cause it might just break your heart.

I know it broke mine. Into a true million little pieces. No DUI guy I. Not even close. I went whole hog and fell full throttle. Which of course doesn’t begin to explain anything. It couldn’t, ‘cause this is the kinda it that can’t be explained.

Nor can it be healed with tears and woe and regret. Yeah, I broke my heart. Broke it bitter. But I didn’t break my spirit. Nor did I break my soul. Neither did the State, though they sure as hell tried.

So what? Do the crime… But my time here’s done. I’ve served. None too proudly and under a barrage of continuous hail. Now I’m a fellow well set. Ready for my Next Last Chance. All I require is permission to get back on the game board.

Monday, be damn good to me. You won’t regret it.


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